Best WordPress Post Optimization and Improvement Plugins SeedProd plugin are probably the best drag and drop page builder for WordPress out there. It allows you to quickly add a page to your blog so that you can work on the blog front-stage and limit access to only the public. It is also great for adding custom logos, shopping carts and full website navigation systems without having to write any code. It’s a quick and easy way to build your own page creator for WordPress without any programming experience. With SeedProd you get a fully working WordPress platform with pre-built logos, banners, and site navigation that are fully theme based. If you’re looking for an easy way to add some basic functionality to your WordPress site without having to learn any code then this would be it.
Another of the best WordPress plugins we’ve found is Optin Monster. This plugin adds in a lead generation system to your blog that utilizes email marketing to generate leads for you. You have a choice between pre-built lead forms or optin form generation from email. In order to use this plug-in you must have an optin database. This system is fully integrated with the latest version of WordPress and can be easily integrated with your website.
The third of our top plugin picks is Constant Contact. This is a simple plug-in that allows you to easily create auto emails with a lot of different attributes. Constant Contact can also be used as a lead generation tool for other online applications such as survey invitations, blog promotions, and affiliate programs. Constant Contact is a free version but the upgrade path allows you to use a premium email management interface with a large number of features including auto reply and email aliases. This is a plug-in that will make you wonder how you ever survived without it!
If you have never used some of the free WordPress plugins, you should seriously consider looking at some of the best plugins available for free. One example of a great plugin that is free and readily available, is All in One SEO. This plugin will analyze all of your website’s backlinks and then provide a dynamic link to each of those links. Another one of the best WordPress plugins is Search Engine Shazam. This plugin is used to analyze a site’s search engine results and then provide various analytics tools and reports on the search engines to determine what your position is.
If you want to try a WordPress plugin but aren’t sure where to start, one option is to look at a WordPress plug-in zip file. A plug-in zip file allows you to download a copy of a specific WordPress plugin for testing purposes. You’ll need to have a plugin zip file saved onto your computer before you can use the plugin. This is not a requirement of using any of the best WordPress plugins, however. Most people choose to install WordPress on their hosting and then copy their plugins into the appropriate slippage area on their server.
The final category of free WordPress plugins, we are going to talk about are the W3 Total Cache WordPress Utility Plugin. This utility plugin will automatically display the latest number of gazillions of Google results for every individual search term you enter. Imagine having access to instant information! It’s also important to note that this plugin is not meant to replace Google’s own crawler, Google Webmaster Central, but it can help speed up things when it comes to searching for individual keywords. For more detailed information, check out the Google Webmaster Central article.
We are wrapping up our discussion on the best WordPress plugins. To wrap it up, we highly recommend looking into the Google Analytics Super Easy widget. This super easy to install widget will display you’re your website’s traffic and search engine results in a single line. It displays the following information: website name, domain, IP address, URL, Alexa Traffic Rank, Search Volume (number of unique visits), Search Engine Result Position (engine result page) and the most popular keywords on Google. By default it shows Google Analytics but it also integrates with the Twitter hash tag and with Facebook fan page so you are getting an even more accurate reflection of who is clicking on your links.
So what are you waiting for? Start digging through the many free WordPress plugins out there! Search for popular keywords that your audience is using when performing searches on popular search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Check out the Google AdWords section for a great plugin called Yoast SEO. Finally, take a look at the Google Analytics Super Easy widget and find something that you don’t currently have installed!