How to Optimize Websites For Best Loading Speed?
When you visit a website which takes ages to load, does that really make you feel satisfied? If you’re like many people then probably you experience an all-to-familiar feeling related to irritation or displeasure. And if you’re on a website which makes you extremely angry or irritated, do you typically stay on that site? You bet I’m asking yourself the question.
It’s easy to conclude that the website load speed issue is all about user experience. If a website takes too long to load the user experience will suffer. The end result is that the end user will abandon the website. A quick way to check this out is to load a few test pages and then see the difference in user experience. This way you’ll get a clear picture of exactly what is happening.
Let’s say you have a social networking site that loads slowly but gives a lot of information. But when you go to another website which gives you more information and is much faster you become very disappointed. So you leave the site without logging back in. We can make this scenario into a very common one.
The solution for this problem is to ensure that the page speed is not an issue when visiting a particular site. The question is how can we measure the page speed? Well the answer is quite simple. We just need to observe how long it takes to load a standard web page. Once we’ve done this we can conclude the page speed of the website and compare it to other sites which are of the same nature and content.
A high ranking factor means that the website load times are not an issue. But on the flip side, low ranking factors indicate that the site is loading very slowly. How can we determine the ranking factor? Again, the answer is very simple. Just look at Google.
Go to the Google search bar and type in the name of the web page you want to check. After hitting the search button you will be given a list of web results. The Google webpagetest tool will appear. This tool is actually used by many websites to determine the page load time of the website.
As per Google’s webpagetest tool, there are two main things to note. First, the bigger the website size, the higher the web load impact will be. Second, the bigger the website speed, the lesser the web load impact will be.
Apart from website speed, you also need to consider many other factors, such as the bounce rates. Bounce rates refer to the number of visitors who leave your website within a short period of time after they came in. Ideally, you should aim at getting less than five percent bounce rates. A good page load time will help you get below fifteen percent bounce rates.
It is common for web pages to load slowly, especially when you are using a lot of graphics or lots of on a page. However, there are some techniques that can be adopted to improve this situation. For example, you can use a one-second delay.
If you are not keen on one-second delay, you can go in for six seconds delay. However, this will depend on the popularity of the website. If the page loads quickly, you will get more visitors. The trick to improving website speed is to make it popular first and then work on its speed later.
Apart from reducing the page load speed, you can also make improvements in user experience. For example, the navigation and ease of browsing the website can be improved. To reduce the slow loading, make sure the page has all the features that the user wants. However, if you want to enhance the user experience, make the navigation easier. Do not force the user to visit every page.
There are many factors affecting the loading speed. You can reduce these factors and improve the page speed. However, if the load speed of your website depends on the HTML source code, it becomes difficult to optimize the code. A possible solution is to submit your website’s HTML source code to the content delivery networks. Content delivery networks provide you with the best service. In fact, according to a recent study, content delivery networks are the first and the best option for search engine optimization.