Web analytics is a term that is loosely used to describe the measurement of how well your website and web site pages are performing on the World Wide Web. In other words, web analytics is an online measurement of how well your website or web site pages are performing and where this performance can be found.
Website statistics are usually measured in terms of how many visitors came to your website (the number of page views) as well as how many people actually came to your website through search engines (the number of hits on the site). Web analytics is not about analyzing the quality of the content of your website but instead, it is about knowing how well your website performs in terms of traffic, search engine traffic, etc.
There are many different types of web analytics available today, and they have several different ways of reporting their results. Most web analytics software requires you to enter a minimal amount of information such as name of the company hosting your website, and/or a description of the business or the products or services offered by your website.
Most web analytics software will then generate various reports such as the number of visitors to your website (the total number of page views for the week, etc), how many visitors came to your website through search engines (the number of hits on the website, etc), how many visitors came to your website via other websites (the number of people who visited the website through another website) and so on. Some web analytics software even allows you to track where your website is located on the internet and where people visiting your website come from.
Although web analytics software has many different tools available to allow you to track the performance of your website, some tools only provide data for one or two websites. Other tools provide more detailed data for the entire web site including links, images, etc. All of the different tools available to help you track the performance of your website, which is useful for tracking your site’s effectiveness as well as the effectiveness of other web sites that use the same design or content as your website.
A website performance testing tool that comes free with the web analytics software helps to provide a quick look at the performance of your website and can give you some preliminary idea of how well your site is performing. The main purpose of these tools is to give you an idea of how well your website is doing without costing you a great deal of money, but they do provide some value if you want to see some performance statistics.
Another important tool that is available when it comes to web analytics is the web analytics reporting tool. This is very similar to the Google Analytics tool but provides you with the ability to export data to a spreadsheet and analyze the performance of your website in much the same way that Google Analytics does.
By using the web tools, you will be able to track your website’s performance against other web sites. by measuring how many people were able to find your site via search engines and how many were able to view your site via the search engines.
The web analytics tools also provide you with the ability to track the success or failure of your website by tracking the number of people who have entered your site through search engines. These tools are helpful in determining the effectiveness of your website. It is also helpful in providing you with an indication of the success rate of other people’s websites.
There are some web analytics tools that include statistics such as conversion rates, sales and downloads as well as customer satisfaction rates. These statistics are often very useful if you want to track and analyze the effectiveness of your website as a whole.
There are many web analytics solutions available that will not cost you a dime. Many of these solutions will work quite well for those who want to keep their web site’s statistics private. Some of these solutions are available for free, but most will require that you purchase additional software.