Social media marketing, also known as SMM, is the strategic utilization of various social media channels and sites to advertise a product or service effectively. Though the terms digital and e-business marketing is now permanently ingrained in academic textbooks, social media marketing continues to grow increasingly popular for researchers and practitioners alike. Its increasing presence is attributed to the many benefits it offers: low cost, high visibility, and instant feedback. SMM refers to the integrated use of multiple media to promote a business. It can also be called the bridge between SEO and social media. The search engine optimization and social media marketing have a symbiotic relationship that began when social media marketing was first introduced in the early nineties.
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a form of internet marketing that attempts to boost or improve a website’s search engine rankings by utilizing highly targeted keywords. Success in this arena relies heavily on using highly targeted keywords that accurately reflect the audience, product, or service being advertised. SMM is the process by which this target audience is reached. It usually involves the creation of social media marketing strategy and various online activities that are focused on reaching this audience. This can include blogging, forum posting, and the utilization of social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
The core objective of SMM is to increase or create awareness among audiences of a certain industry or across the board. Through various online activities, it seeks to reach out to these target audiences by providing relevant solutions. A great social media marketing strategy would incorporate the engagement of the target audience in various forms of communication. For instance, a blog is an ideal platform for marketing. Since blogs are frequently updated, they provide a platform for companies to engage in dialogues with their target audience. Tweets, in particular, have been used by some businesses to engage with their target audience by offering updates or even critical issues.
Another way to take advantage of SMM is through the use of blogging. Many businesses have created a page on their site that is dedicated to attracting attention to upcoming blog posts. Blog posts can be an effective form of social media marketing because they can act as topical authority. Depending on the page, these blog posts may act as topical authority wherein they draw in relevant audiences based on the content contained within the post. For instance, a particular blog post regarding a local food chain may draw in an audience using social media marketing by drawing in consumers from a specific geographical location. This geographic location can also be determined by the products or services that the business has to offer.
In addition to blog posts, SMM can also be implemented through the use of social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. These social networks provide users with a platform for the exchange of information. Companies who have accounts on these social networks can use them to engage with their audience and create loyalty among other businesses. With this method, companies are able to gather valuable information regarding their target market. They can use the data to develop new campaigns and build a more profitable clientele base.
Another strategy that businesses can use when implementing social media marketing through their online presence is through the creation of a blog. A blog can act as a vehicle for sharing company information or for announcing upcoming promotional events. These blog posts can be a means of connecting with loyal customers or for enticing potential new clients to sign up for a company’s mailing list. A blog post can also be used to attract audience through the search engines.
Although SMM is a useful tool in attracting attention to business, there are a few things that business owners need to consider before they get started using social media marketing. Businesses need to determine their goals before they begin implementing a social media marketing campaign. In addition to determining the frequency of posting, the size of each post, or the content provided, companies also need to determine how to best reach their audience. For instance, a company that sells strollers might want to post a link to their website instead of a blog post about the newest product available. The company’s URL should always be included in all communication as well as any advertising or promotional materials.
One of the most common social media marketing examples includes images. Companies can use imagery such as pictures or posters to promote their brands, products, or services. Companies can also post images on their blogs or create images in photojournalistic style to increase exposure of the brand.