Microsoft Advertising is an advertising service offering pay per click (PPC) advertising on the Bing, Yahoo! and DuckDuckGo search services. At present, Bing Ads boasts 33 percent global market share. At present, Internet users in the United States spend approximately three hours daily on search. With such high search traffic and continuous surfing, it is no surprise that companies offering advertising services see great potential in Bing. In this article, you will learn about the different ways to make money with Bing.
There are many things you need to keep in mind when using Microsoft Advertising. First and foremost is that you have to select the right platform to advertise on – Bing or Yahoo! The reason is that Bing offers advertisers less control on which specific search results or ad placements their ads will be shown in.
Most importantly, you should focus on optimizing your site for the Bing platform as opposed to optimizing your website for the Google/Yahoo! platform. The reason is that Bing allows for a greater degree of customization than Google. For example, you can choose from a variety of formats including HTML, JavaScript, Flash, Video, RSS feeds, and RSS directories.
When it comes to creating and monitoring your big campaign, there are several tools available. You can access these tools by visiting the Microsoft Ad Center at Bing Ads. In addition, you can also use third-party ad campaigns such as Google’s AdWords campaign and Yahoo! ad Network. Regardless of which ad platform you choose, it is important to remember that your overall goal is to get as many visitors as possible to your site and thus, increase your conversion rates.
Your first task in launching your big campaign is to import an existing AdWords campaign. To do this, you will need to go to the Google interface and navigate to Campaigns. Once you are there, you will need to click on Import, where you will see a page that allows you to choose an existing campaign and input your keywords. In general, it is recommended that you import your entire existing campaign, but if you cannot do so without modifying the campaign to suit your needs, then you may want to import just the individual keywords that you are using for your PPC campaigns on other platforms.
Next, you should look at the Bing advertising options. If you have already conducted some form of advertising with Google, you will be able to skip to the section on How to Create a Bing Campaign. Otherwise, you will be taken to the Google Advertising Options page. On this page, you will be presented with several different options, which include placement, which refers to which part of the Bing search market share you would like to target. Other options include demographics, which helps you determine what areas of the world your ads will show up in, as well as contextual advertising, which allows you to customize the ads based on what specific terms the searcher types in the search engine.
After you have made your selections based on the options provided, you can then create your first campaign. If you don’t already have one, you should take note that once you begin running a search volume campaign with Bing Ads, it will take about five to six weeks for the ads to appear. This is due to the various factors related to search volume being included in the algorithms used by Bing. As such, digital marketers who have been using other platforms to advertise with such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN, should begin to see results immediately by launching their campaigns on Bing.
Finally, you should look at how you are monetizing your campaigns. In general, there are two different ways that you can make money off of your Bing advertising campaigns. The first method involves buying clicks, which is essentially the same thing you would do with campaigns using Google AdWords or any other pay-per-click advertising program. However, you won’t receive the same level of exposure that you would if you were to run a campaign through a search engine. You can also make use of the other methods of advertising, such as creating ads for local business that are specifically relevant to your consumers or creating ads that target a specific consumer demographic to ensure greater success.