Why Does Web Design Fail?

If your conversion and bounce rates aren’t up yet, you may be wondering why. The logical answer might just be your web design, which is notoriously difficult to perfect. If you’re not absolutely sure that which area of your web design is causing you problems, then I’m going to point out some common web design fails which can be driving your potential customers away, so you can straighten things out and give your readers the site they need. After all, people want a great web design to improve the chances of them buying from you!

web design fails

Many potential customers fail to realise that it’s the design that determines the success or the failure of a website. People are still using dial-up connections and dial-up pages and websites that use images and flash are simply not as visible to users as those which use responsive design or high quality web design. So how does this relate to SEO? If you’re using a site which isn’t as easily accessible to your users as a site which uses the best SEO practices, then you’re going to have a hard time gaining as many customers. And with fewer customers, it’s only natural that the businesses who offer those services will lose out!

Another thing which web design fails to take into account is the usability of the site. Visitors aren’t interested in aesthetically perfect websites, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having beautiful graphics and a cool design. What’s the problem? Visually unappealing websites often lead to less usage and fewer clicks, because the visitors have no idea what they are looking at.

And finally, it’s important to keep the usability of a website in mind. This is often overlooked by companies, and so they end up spending too much money on flashy fonts and designing great websites which aren’t useful. The key here is to pick the right font for the message you want to convey, and to use the right type of font. Using the wrong type of font can actually annoy visitors, and cause them to leave your site – a great idea for a beginner, but definitely one not taken advantage of by web design companies!

When it comes to user experience, web design fails spectacularly. It might be difficult to see why this is the case. After all, most visitors to websites are perfectly capable of seeing everything – even if the website needs to hide some of its features to gain more space. For example, imagine a news website where the home page loads quickly. However, when you try to go any further down the site, you suddenly discover that there is a ‘get news updates’ button, but you haven’t told anyone about this button. This kind of bad website design would cause customers to immediately leave the site and is one of the reasons why many companies feel that they need to have as much information as possible on their websites.

Poor visual branding also fails to impress visitors. Some visitors to websites just don’t care about visual brands at all. In fact, some people fail to even recognize websites with visual branding. This is because while the design may look good, a website without a visual brand is actually quite pointless – no one will know what to expect from your website, and the chances are that most people won’t care. Poor web design fails to impress users, and users soon figure out that they aren’t going to be able to trust websites with poor visual brands, and leave the page almost immediately.

Another reason why web design fails to impress users is that many websites use poor quality fonts. Many websites still use old, ugly, and extremely hard to read fonts, and many of these fonts look extremely unprofessional. In fact, many of these old, ugly fonts are actually part of the problem – not only do they make it very difficult for visitors to read text on websites, but they also take away from the look of the page. People are used to websites that use high-quality fonts, and if websites continue to use ugly fonts, visitors will be turned off of the site almost immediately.

Poor web design fails to give users the right user experience. While having a website that looks amazing does matter, a user experience that is not right is even worse. This is because users want to be able to access a website quickly and easily. When a website fails to load in a reasonable amount of time, or takes too long to load in certain parts, this affects the overall user experience of the site, as people will either leave the site in frustration or spend more time trying to figure out how to access it. Poor website performance affects a lot of people, including potential customers.
