Top 3 Benefits of Using WordPress As a Content Management System
WordPress is a very popular blogging platform that offers a free, open source content management system written in PHP. Features include a built-in plugin architecture, commonly referred to as Themes, and a graphical template system. Users can create and publish custom themes or use the pre-configured ones that are pre-installed by the operating system. A wordpress blog is an HTML website that can be used as a platform for publishing and hosting web pages.
Customizing WordPress to suit your purposes starts with selecting a Theme. There are many themes to choose from and most are designed to complement specific purposes. For example, if you want to create an online store, you can start with a WordPress theme that has a shopping cart component. The individual themes can then be customized to fit their needs and the purpose of the store.
Another useful WordPress feature is the global instance component. With the global instance, WordPress maintains a list of active themes and provides a shortcut in the “manage” option menu. This enables you to easily switch between different themes. Another option is the login with username option that prompts you to log in with a username. If you already have a WordPress account, you can also use the “change username” option to change your WordPress username.
Another benefit of using wordpress is the ability to install other plugins. Most of these plugins add various features like image galleries and podcasting. With the latest version of wordpress software, versions for the most popular platforms are included. The two major blogging sites – WordPress and Blogger – have the most popular plugins available.
Many websites use WordPress for creating and publishing content. A WordPress site can be an attractive website that appeals to most people. The most popular platform used for wordpress site creation is MS-PC. Some people have a wordpress site on Linux, Mac OS and other operating systems. With such a wide platform, one can be able to create a wordpress site with all the necessary features for appealing appeal and functionality.
For many, wordpress is the best platform because of its simplicity and its wide range of plugins. In addition, wordpress works behind the scenes so you don’t need to deal with the coding part. The coding is done by the open source software. WordPress can also be used as a content management system (CMS) system so it is possible to update themes, images and even add new products from your database using WordPress. This makes it a versatile platform.
So if you are looking to start a blog or want to start publishing new content, you can make the most out of wordpress works behind the scene without having to code. The best thing to do first is to search for WordPress themes that you think will suit your needs. Once you have found suitable themes you can get started creating your site. You can either use the free WordPress themes or you can opt to get active plugins. WordPress active plugins allow you to add more features and functions to your wordpress website such as creating polls, mailing list, managing bookmarks, managing shared links among others.
As you can see from above, using wordpress as a content management system is a great idea. Aside from being easy to use, wordpress also works behind the scenes without any need of knowledge on programming. You can either use wordpress for free or opt to get active plugins. The best part is that you can personalize your site with these easy to install plugins. All these great benefits make it the ultimate software to use for your personal or business sites.